CityVille 12 and 7 , 5 Energy Send links

New links to send energy to your neighbors CityVille have emerged. So you can make your CityVille neighbors sometimes make a real friend or send it to you this himself with a second account. So you would not initially forthcoming energy problems and yourneighbors do not have. Simply click on the images below and get started! Good luck andcontinue to say so!

+12 CityVille 12 and 7 , 5 Energy Send links +7 CityVille 12 and 7 , 5 Energy Send links +5 CityVille 12 and 7 , 5 Energy Send links

WARNING! These gifts are among the gifts from neighbor to neighbor! Of these, one can only assume 10 per day! This rule is set by Zynga! So take the most energy only,
if you have no neighbors have accepted gifts!

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