
Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Maen POKER dapat dollar

Haii teman, terimakasih sudah kembali dan membaca POST terbaru dari C21blogger,,
 Post kali ini tentang poker ,pda bisa maen poker kan. ? Kalian tau kan, Poker Yang di FB.
Di game ini, bisa maen poker pake dollar dan dapet dollar. Dan pembayaran/bayaran yang akan anda terima melalui PerfectMoney kalau yang belum punya akunnya, anda bisa daftar dengan gratis (KLIK DISINI UNTUK PENDAFTARAN PERFECTMONEY(PM) ATAU ( DISINI ) ,  Jika anda sudah mempunyai PM daftar langsung ke ( ) untuk daftar Poker TSB.

Tadinya depositnya melalui LR. Berhub LibertyReserve di tutup, jadi diganti PM (PerfectMoney)

DIBAWAH INI ADALAH PENJELASAN (PEMULA) Maaf Bahasanya inggris, SILAHKAN Terjemahkan di Google trans
Due to recent events regarding the payment processor Liberty Reserve we strongly encourage our users to switch to either Perfect Money Or Perfect Money 

​​​​​​ Welcome to the best Liberty Reserve Casino on the web. Don't have Liberty Reserve? We also accept Perfect Money and Web Money!

Winners Gold Casino provides only top quality casino games with absolutely NO DOWNLOAD required to play! Our unique casino software is 100% Flash based, this means you can play all of our games using just your regular internet browser. You will be able to play all of our games just seconds after you sign up!

Winners Gold Casino deals only with online e-currency because only by using online currency can we guarantee our players instant transactions! You can play our amazing casino games using liberty reserve, perfect money, credit card, e bullion and web money! You can choose to play alone or with your friends in one of ourmultiplayer rooms.

What's even better about our lr casino is the amazingly low minimum of just 1 cent ($0.01 USD) to bet in any of our great casino games and 5 cents ($0.05 USD) to withdraw your winnings. Unlike other online casinos where you have to wait for hours to get your transactions approved, all transactions in our casino are madeinstantly.

You will be able to play within seconds after your deposit. The same goes for receiving your funds - there's absolutely no waiting time involved. Why play in other casinos and wait hours if not days to receive your winnings when you can play here and win instantly? Besides, we don't ask you any documents and things like that.

Join hundreds of other players who are coming back month after month at Winners Gold Casino to WIN!

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